Friday, August 14, 2009

The Dirty Hoe Radio Show & Our August Open House

Alex from the Dirty Hoe Radio Show was sweet enough to come out to our garden and interview the coordinator about what's new in 2009 for the ECOS' Campus Community Garden. Download the interview here.

The Dirty Hoe Radio Show is a weekly show on organic gardening in Edmonton that airs Friday at 12:05pm and Monday at 2pm on CJSR Edmonton FM88.

Great news: We're open again!

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 from 10am - 4pm.

Visit the ECOS Campus Community Garden for our second and final openhouse of the summer season! Tour the organic garden space, see how ourplants have grown, learn and participate in community composting, meet our volunteers and learn about environmentally-sustainable gardening methods.

The market will be open - including every other Saturday - to purchase fresh produce, herbs, soil, and plants.
A BBQ will also be available with veggie dogs & burgers to buy.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Harvest Time and Recipe Sharing

Harvest time is upon us here at the ECOS' Campus Community Garden!

Since July, we've had a steady harvest of mixed lettuces, spinach and leafy-greens. Right now, they have either reached their expiry in the 50-day life cycle and have been reseeded, or they have yet to go to seed and are still producing delicious yields. Our 250 m² garden's been producing over 10 KG of these leafy greens!

Approaching August, we've sighted zucchinis, squashes, snow peas, snap peas, raspberries, strawberries and different colours of beans maturing in our garden. Soon, we'll be able to open a market out front of our garden with all of the delicious produce. So, in order to enjoy these foods, we'll provide some neat things to do with them.

Basic Raspberry Vinaigrette

  • 1/2 cup raspberries
  • 1/2 cup vinager (apple cider, rice, and/or balsamic)
  • 2 tsp stevia, or sugar replacement
  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup vegetable or olive oil
  • 1 tbsp flaxmeal
  • 1 clove pureed garlic
  • 1/4 cup strawberries
Add all ingredients, except oil to a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. Slowly add oil until well combined. Pour over mixed leafy greens, nuts, and/or seeds and enjoy.

Please share your recipe ideas including some of the vegetables and herbs we'll be growing our garden. Comment your recipe in and it'll be visible on this blog!