Friday, June 6, 2008

Watch our garden grow!

Welcome to the Campus Community Garden Blog for the UofA in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! We are an organic garden that works on a communal platform (that is, no individual plots). If you are in the area, come out and join us! We always welcome new volunteers. Or, feel free to just watch our garden grow and get a few tips along the way.

Here is our garden on May 16th, 2008 and below on May 21st. Things are just beginning to happen, as you can see. The peas and spinach are up in the raised bed nearest to the camera, and garlic is up in the row behind. In the bottom picture, you can see the lettuce and the radishes poking their heads up.

I will be putting up some older pictures we have take over the last month on this site as well as adding other posts that will have pictures of the plants we are growing, information about them, recipes, etc.
I hope that the comments section can work as a kind of forum where others can contribute their knowledge to the site. If you want something particularly posted (like a recipe, or an event that is coming up), email me at

Happy gardening!

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