It is the newest thing. They were on the radio in Edmonton this year, and there is a picture of them in Calgary on the wikipedia site . There is the Guerrilla Gardening: A manualfesto (2007) by David Tracey that you can purchase at Earth's General Store,and you can even get it on Amazon, along with Richard Reynolds' On Guerrilla Gardening: A handbook for gardening without boundaries (2008)--here. Reynolds even seems to have global forum (it is a movement, man!).
My fav so far is from a blog my friend Jen in Vancouver sent me called heavy petal (a kickass name, to boot!). Yup, that is a seed-bombing baby! See, even the cool kids are doin' it. VIVE LA RESISTANCE!
I am not sure how many of our gardeners are aware that ECOS has also has a Naturalization Garden Project. The guru of native plants in Edmonton is the glorious Cherry Dodd of the the Edmonton Naturalization Group. We have Ms. Dodd's book Go Wild! in the ECOS library, something that I will talk about in greater depth later. Anyway, I am going to be putting in a lot of work over at the Native bed over the next couple of weeks and hopefully meeting up with Cherry, so if you are interested in the project, let me know.
Until tomorrow. And yeah, I did just discover how to link.
My fav so far is from a blog my friend Jen in Vancouver sent me called heavy petal (a kickass name, to boot!). Yup, that is a seed-bombing baby! See, even the cool kids are doin' it. VIVE LA RESISTANCE!
I am not sure how many of our gardeners are aware that ECOS has also has a Naturalization Garden Project. The guru of native plants in Edmonton is the glorious Cherry Dodd of the the Edmonton Naturalization Group. We have Ms. Dodd's book Go Wild! in the ECOS library, something that I will talk about in greater depth later. Anyway, I am going to be putting in a lot of work over at the Native bed over the next couple of weeks and hopefully meeting up with Cherry, so if you are interested in the project, let me know.
Until tomorrow. And yeah, I did just discover how to link.
I'm glad you liked the site! Can't wait to see photos of the Native bed. My basil never bounced back after the haircut, but I did acquire an heirloom tomato plant direct from Andrea of Heavy I need basil more than ever.
You spelled GORILLA wrong. It's spelled M-O-N-K-E-Y. No, wait...
Down with the concrete! Up with the plants!
Love the idea. Maybe I can implement it in London. Maybe we can create a Waldorf Guerilla Gardening Armada: teams of 10 year olds tramping around the city armed with seed bombs!
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